The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, by Robin Sharma.

It’s November and “Lest We Forget”, this month’s book is dedicated to the veterans  who  gave of themselves to protect  us and our country. On November 11, Remembrance day, take the time to remember and give thanks to past veterans and to present military personnel.



In chapter 12, it talks about the need to selflessly serve others. I thought immediately about the veterans of our past wars, my dad included, who gave of themselves to serve the people of our country. It goes on to say that the quality of your life ultimately comes down to the quality of your contribution.  Think of that for a moment.  Also, to cultivate the sacredness of each day, Live to Give!  Very powerful statement indeed.


What about you and I?  In what ways are we  giving of ourselves to others.. Daily acts of kindness are a start. Give to those who ask and nurture richer relationships with those around us.

I really enjoyed this book because at the end of each chapter there is an action  summary of  the chapter. Ways in which you can put to use the words you just read.

“ the most noble thing you can do is to give to others. Start focusing on your higher purpose”


The 10th edition of this #1 bestseller certainly moved me to take action and to look deeper into myself to follow what truly is in my soul and look into how I am living my life. 

The Edmonton Journal was quoted as saying this book “Sheds light on life’s big questions.”

So I challenge you this November to be motivated to reach within yourself and pull out what the real you is all about.  I am writing this article and have been writing this year because my son helped me reach inside myself to share the knowledge and inspiration I have to serve you and to give of myself through these articles. 

This book has had a huge global impact and will give you unforgettable insight into what’s most important and move you to live a life you will be proud of at the end.


Keep reading, its good for your soul!

Mike Sr.