I know you’ve had more lonely nights in than you’d like to admit, and I DEFINITELY know wine and ice cream was involved. But now you can save a little time going to the liquor store AND the grocery, because wine ice cream IS A THING.




Ohhhhh yeah. Wine and ice cream, which together make “Winecreams“, was created by the geniuses at The Crossroad Company based out of Baltimore. They’ve been serving this delicious boozy ice cream at private fairs since 2014, but obviously, this gift of ice cream and wine needs to be shared with THE WORLD.


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The site offers 9 delicious Winecreams, including the delicious flavours above. But here’s where you need to come in residents of Edmonton… The site only ships within Maryland & Washington, for obvious, melty Winecream reasons. So if you’re in Washington, Baltimore or Maryland, PLEASE bring back as many pints as possible!








Filed under: Food, ice cream, Wine, Yeg