Grab a bowl, and a scoop! Cause there’s good news for ice cream lovers!

A Japanese scientist ran a study that found people who eat ice cream ‘immediately after waking up’ can become smarter.

According to his research, ice cream boosts people’s reaction times and reduces their mental irritation.


Yoshihiko Koga, a professor at Tokyo’s Kyorin University (and a specialist in psychophysiology who has previously investigated the links between certain food types and stress relief) asked test subjects to eat ice cream in the morning.

Then he got them to complete a series of mental exercises on a computer.

Another group who had a normal breakfast was then tested in the same way.

Turns out the ice cream group proved better at processing new information and had faster reaction times!

After examining the subjects’ brain activity, Professor Koga found that ice cream eaters fired off an abundance of high-frequency Alpha-waves – which are linked with reduced mental irritation and high alertness.

The study isn’t officially done yet, but at least this gives ice cream lovers a (Kinda real?) reason to eat more of their fav cold treat!


-The Pepper & Dylan Show

(Source:DailyMail, Photo: iStock)

Filed under: ice cream, science, Smart