The one book that had the greatest impact on my life is The University of Success by Og Mandino.

As I was sitting in a mall, reading and doing a renovation home show with my partner, it struck me after I finished reading Lesson 6 in the book entitled “How to accept the challenge of success” that I had to quit my job and take a risk .  


At the time, I was a part time teacher and part time owner of a home renovation company.  In order to see if I should remain a teacher or go into full time business the lessons in the book kept shouting out to me -Go For It! Do it now!!! What are you waiting for? Stop doubting yourself!! Believe in yourself!!  When you read motivational books like this one it is easy to feel good about yourself and the things you are learning.


But the important part is to take action. Put the lessons you learned into action.

So having read Lesson 6 in the book I said to myself that is it, I have to go to my principal and tell him I am quitting teaching and going full time into business.  I was petrified. I was going to leave a secure job, mortgage rates were 17%. my wife quit her job and I was entering into a scary challenge.

Lesson 16 of the book finally did it to me.  “How to find the courage to take

risks “pushed me over the edge to take a leap of faith and to follow my gut and rely on my talents for future success. I took action. I went to see my principal and he actually encouraged me to follow my dream.


Needlessly to say during the next year I faced many challenges that I did not expect. However, I learned more about myself, business and about the challenges of life.  It was a very, very difficult time financially and emotionally.  Again I questioned myself and wondered did I do the right thing? I wish I had an incredible fairy tale ending to my story, but I don’t.  At least so I thought.


Things did not work out the way I planned and I had to make another life changing decision. I had to swallow my pride and ask for my job back teaching in order to make ends meet financially.  Because I had a good reputation teaching I was accepted back, became a department head as they call it in Guidance, continued to speak to many groups and finished a very successful teaching career of 37 years!! I was a much better person, educator and father for taking a risk.  Not all things work out exactly the way you plan, but it is the serendipitous of life that come your way based on taking risk that makes it all worth it.


Good things do happen to people who try to follow their dreams even if the dream isn’t what they planned. It’s the unexpected that comes your way and how you handle it that counts. Is success about money or fame? No, it is about being a better you. I am a better person for taking a risk, but failed.

After a year now of reading, go for it and complete the University of Success during the holidays. You won’t regret it,  I didn’t. It will change your life.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!