Ok. WE can’t promise you that this is true, but according to Cosmopolitan there’s a company that has created chocolate that can relieve and ease the pains that come during menstruation.

Like, how perfect is that…

Marc Widmer, of a Swiss Lucerne-based company called Chocolate With Love, claims his “Frauenmond” bar, which translates to “women’s moon,” contains 60 percent cocoa solids and 17 Swiss mountain herbs that can ease menstrual cramps.




Obviously the bar itself won’t cure your pain and shouldn’t be treated as medicine, BUT, this bar gives you a good reason to snack on something sweet during that time of the month.


So if you’re interested in this chocolate, here’s a link to the site! http://chocolate-mit-herz.ch/ (Note that this is a Swiss site, so you might need to turn google translate on)

-The Pepper & Dylan Show





*Top image from Daily Express*


Filed under: Chocolate, Cramps, Pain, Period