SplashData, a password management provider,  released its annual list of the 25 worst passwords, and most hacked ones, that you should never use.

The organization gets data from over 5 million passwords, many of which are leaked or hacked, mostly in North America and Western Europe.

Some of the passwords are obvious “no no’s” yet they are still being used on a regular basis.

Many of the passwords are on the list because of letter placement on the keyboard. It’s good to note (to keep your info safe) that hackers will try key strokes close together. Like qwerty or zaq or 1234. Smart passwords have distance between letters and numbers used.

SplashData advises that people make sure their passwords have more than eight characters, combine letters and numbers, use capitals, and don’t have simple or repeating patterns.


The 2016 list of passwords NOT TO USE are:

  • 123456
  • password
  • 12345
  • 12345678
  • football
  • qwerty
  • 1234567890
  • 1234567
  • princess
  • 1234
  • login
  • welcome
  • solo
  • abc123
  • admin
  • 121212
  • flower
  • passw0rd
  • dragon
  • sunshine
  • master
  • hottie
  • loveme
  • zaq1zaq1
  • password1


Let us know if YOU have any password tips or tricks!

-The Pepper & Dylan Show

Filed under: data, Hackers, Passwords, Safety