At this point, we shouldn’t be surprised when The Simpsons predict something. It has been a running theme for some time now that the TV show can predict the future.

They predicted President Trump (although, they were 16 years off, but who’s counting really?).

They’ve even predicted Nobel Peace Prize winners, which COME ON THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS. You can see a list of more Simpsons predictions HERE. There’s a lot. Prepare to be mind blown.

This past Sunday was the Super Bowl and for the Pepsi Halftime show, Lady Gaga took the stage. She put on an incredible performance that blew everyone away, and also generated 5.1 MILLION tweets during halftime.

In case you were living under a rock and haven’t caught her halftime show, you can watch it here.

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During the performance, twitter erupted with people catching the eerie similarities between Gaga’s performance, and a 2012 episode of The Simpsons. You guessed it, THEY PREDICTED THIS WOULD HAPPEN.




Do you think Lady Gaga sat back during the planning process and put this episode on, or are The Simpsons just that creepy good at predicting the future?

If she brings the same fire to her show at Rogers Place on August 3rd, it will no doubt be a smash!

Fun bonus fact: The Simpsons ALMOST predicted the final score of the game too. STOP IT.

Photo: Twitter
Photo: 20th Century Fox/The Simpsons



tyler sig

Filed under: halftime, lady-gaga, super-bowl, the-simpsons