During a recent interview with Vanity Fair, the Belle of the new Beauty and the Beast film elaborated why she rarely takes pics with fans because “it’s the difference between being able to have a life and not.”

Source cavemancircus.com
Source cavemancircus.com


“If someone takes a photograph of me and posts it, within two seconds they’ve created a marker of exactly where I am within 10 meters,” Watson said. “They can see what I’m wearing and who I’m with. I just can’t give that tracking data.” Instead, she offers an alternative, like an autograph or a conversation with a fan. “I’ll say, ‘I will sit here and answer every single Harry Potter fandom question you have but I just can’t do a picture.’”

She did go on to say there are exceptions, children, die hard fans.

 (No not fans of the movie Die Hard… Well maybe what do I know!)
Filed under: Belle, disney, Emma Watson, Fans