Can you say OUCH!!!!!! Not only do these tattoos looks like they hurt like a you know what…..she had these tattoos done just before her marriage with Brad Pitt came to an end. So much for “binding tattoos”…..

In this culture, it is believed that when one gets a binding tattoo it is to bind them to their partner for eternity. They use a special “mystical” ink believed to have powers. This monk used a surgical steel needle for accuracy. And instead of your every day tattoo gun, Angie got these done when her and Brad were in Cambodia filming a movie.

Now what does she plan to do with her binding tattoos now that her and Brad have split?!

Check  out these pics!

angie2 angie4


Photo courtesy Splash News

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Filed under: angelina-jolie, binding, brad pitt, divorce, monk, ouch, tattoo