The debate over a proposed development on Whyte Ave has been going on for months.

The development would transform an old car dealership into a high rise… something the locals on the ave aren’t all keen on.


“I’m really angry,” said Coun. Ben Henderson to the CBC, who represents the area.

“I don’t understand why we do planning if we’re just going to ignore it for these one-off things.”

“I’d hate to see this neighborhood turned into one that’s just full of condos and high rises.” Local Ashley Dryburgh


The Mezzo tower (proposed by Edmonton-based WestOak Development) will be at the closed Strathcona Presbyterian Church at 81st Avenue and 105th Street.

Arguments were heard from both sides, but Councillors ended up voting 10-2 (one Councillor was absent) allowing One Properties to by-pass the four-storey height restriction.



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“We’re convinced that what Whyte Avenue needs to have a sustainable, viable future, is people. People who live there and who also work there and they shop there.” – Developer Tom Burr


“I really respect the public input we’ve received and that there is a diversity of views from people who want to keep the height capped at four storeys throughout the entire area, but in terms of what’s economically feasible and what’s going to create the most street life, density is a good thing and in this case, it’s going to prime business activity and street life in the neighborhood,” said Mayor Don Iveson.


Where do you as an Edmontonian stand on this? Do you think building up is a change we need to accept or will this change be the end of Whyte Ave’s “look?’

-The Pepper & Dylan Show



***Image from CBC***