Well, just in case you want to live a little longer, National Geographic has done a study to see what parts of the world are home to the oldest people….and after figuring out what regions these people live in, they studied what they ate in hopes of proving eating a certain diet or food groups will elongate your life!

Here’s what the studies found

1-GREECE: People in Greece lived past 100, largely due to their diet, which consists mostly of SPINACH and BOILED DANDELION! who would have guessed?!

2-COSTA RICA-People living here also have longer lives…because they eat a lot of RICE, BEANS AND TORTILLAS!

3-CALIFORNIA- This one’s surprising right! But here’s the twist…they found those that lived longer DID NOT EAT MEAT or FISH and had never touched cigarettes or alcohol….

Read more here




Filed under: diet, Food, healthy, livingd, long life