This is pretty neat!

American Dream Miami is a proposed retail and entertainment complex that will hopefully end up in South Florida! Oh and it would be 30% bigger than Mall of America in Minnesota, which is owned by the same developers. They also happen to have developed West Edmonton Mall here in Alberta!


The developers also released some concept art and it looks very familiar?!?!?!

A rendering of a water park at the proposed American Dream Miami. |
A rendering of a water park at the proposed American Dream Miami.


Where have I seen that before… Oh yeah???

West Edmonton Mall / Penguin Swimming
West Edmonton Mall / Penguin Swimming


I still think this would be super cool to see and check out! What would the differences be? We would have to wait and see! One thing is for sure if it is like the WEM Water Park they are in for a good time! 🙂


For more info on the proposed mall click here.

For whats going on in Edmonton’s West Edmonton Mall click here!


BONUS How awesome was this 1997 Ad for the Water Park! Makes Me want to head there right now!!!



Filed under: Edmonton, WEM