HI GUYS! It’s Fangirl Alex here, and I want to start off with saying THANK YOU to every single person who was apart of making this day happen. I had so much love and support, it was honestly overwhelming. Outside of work, I had so many listeners leaving supportive comments OR saying HI at the venue. You guys are the best!


My Ed Love started years ago when my sister showed me a song on YouTube, and from that moment on I was hooked. I knew this man was going to have some crazy success, so I started cheering him on from the sidelines. I flew to Toronto to see him in 2012, drove to see him in Winnipeg, and before I lived in Edmonton, I flew to see him here in 2015.

Ed_2                              ED ED ED
FAST FORWARD TO YESTERDAY! I did not sleep the night before, I couldn’t eat anything all day because of my nerves, and every single time Ed’s song played on the radio I cried of happiness. We packed up our car, headed to Rogers Place and I was sweating. Do you remember the feeling of your first job interview? Do you remember a time in your life when you got super worried or scared over something? Do you remember your first concert? I can’t explain how I was feeling deep down, but all 3 of those feeling at once is pretty close.


As we walked inside the building my eyes lit up. I felt it, I know they did. I was seeing all the behind the scenes of Ed’s concert. We waited in a hallway and they started the meet and greets. In the middle of that I met Stuart Camp (Ed’s manager) and KEVIN (his security guard) Kevin thought I was crazy. He legit could not understand why they sent ME back there for an interview. There was another security guard who had major laughs at me as I was waiting to enter the room. Kevin offered to take a picture of me with the green room sign outside Ed’s dressing room, but instead just took a picture of himself and had a good laugh once I realized he did not take a picture of me.
Ed_7                        Ed_8


The time had come, we had our 1 minute warning. His security guards helped me do a fast booger check, got me some tissues, watched me drink back tic tacs (could not mess up lipstick) and then gave me some fist bumps on my way in. His entire team is amazing. I walked in the room and ED IS STANDING ACROSS FROM ME. IN THE SAME ROOM! WE WERE BREATHING THE SAME AIR. He went and changed fast and BOOM he walked in through a complete different door and my heart exploded. I HAD 10 MINUTES WITH THIS ADORABLE GINGER.



We hugged and I sniffed him. All these years of wondering what he smelt like. If you want to know, he smelt clean. Like fresh laundry.
And thats about all I remember at the beginning. I was awake, but I most defiantly blacked out. I WAS SUPER NERVOUS. I messed up at the beginning of my interview, I forgot to introduce myself on camera. I was shaking. I could not get my words out the way I wanted, but you know what? I wouldn’t change anything about that moment. It was so real.


You can check out the full interview HERE:

Fangirl Alex Meets Ed Sheeran



After the cameras turned off we hugged multiple times. And I thanked him for giving me some of the best memories I have in my life. We built some lego in the interview and I took his corn lego by mistake, and he legit called me out on it and wanted it back.



ED SHEERAN is an amazing human being. He is so kind, sweet, caring, down to earth and so happy. The entire time I was making sure he was all good, and he was only worried about me and my comfort. He made sure to calm me down and he helped me get over my nerves. I got to talk to Ed as a person and not a celebrity, and that is the most incredible thing.



We said our final goodbye and had one last hug, then I ran out into the hallway with my signed Ed Sheeran ketchup bottle and his security guards laughed. On my way out they gave me one more fist bump with some big smiles. They also were very happy they did not have to come inside and wrestle me down to the ground. I am on cloud nine, I am jazzed and I have a permanent smile still glued to my face. I am SO thankful, I am SO happy, and I hope every single loving fan gets to have a moment like mine. I can’t wait for his next album/tour and I will keep cheering him on from the sidelines. I love that ginger.
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Ketchup  Cute_Ed        Cute_Cute_Ed Serious_Ed


Filed under: concert, dividetour, Edmonton, edsheeran, fangirl, ginger, ketchup, lego