Happy Thanksgiving!  (It is this month)

Thank you. I appreciate that. I love you.  These are phrases that help us focus on the positive and spreads good will. Spread the love –It”s  inside you. That’s the message from Leo Buscgalia. It’s a message that needs to spread. Now!

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I looked at my library of books and this book by one of the first authors that ever influenced my thinking jumps out at me and oh what a time  to recommend it as our book of the month considering what is going on in our world.

I truly believe this book would be the ideal book to read at a time when there is so much anger and hatred that has been spread through the media.  It seems that’s all we hear and focus on these days.  Negative energy.

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Just think if the opposite was true.  What if the media and you  told stories of love and compassion.  In his book Born for Love, Leo Buscaglia a man who has dedicated his life to the study of love has something for you. It is written so that you can just pick it up and read it from beginning to end or pondered as individual reflections.    It is bound to move you – to love! Face the world as a lover as Leo says. Sounds naïve, but it is the only sensible thing to do. Love has energy . Spread it first over yourself, family, friends community and the world would be a better place. Would you not agree?  You say it is hard. I agree and that is why you need to read this book to help get you through these times that seem so disturbing.

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Leo Buscaglia suggests that loving is a choice that offers alternatives to frustration, loneliness and fear. I could not agree with him more because I know when I personally focus on loving as opposed to complaining, criticizing or ridiculing all that is around me, I am a different person. A positive loving person.

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What kind of person do you want to be? Think, feel and move toward actions that will bring about growth in love. As the  old song goes  “What the world needs now is love sweet love”


Love thy neighbour as thyself!




Mike Sr.