Well,  Hallowe’en is over with so lets starting the Christmas rush right.


Lest we forget! Let us during the month of November reflect on those who have fallen to keep us free and to give thanks to those who continue  to protect us and our freedoms in this world.

Now is the time to do this. And in keeping in line with the book of the month The Power of Now, lets not rush by what is important Now and stay in the Now, not the future which by the way is not here yet. In his book Eckhart Tolle reminds us about the deeper meaning of life and wants us to embrace ourselves and others by going on our life ‘s journey one day at a time.


I was always one to rush, rush, rush. Maybe because of my age things have slowed down. But reality is that I finally realized by physically slowing down I get to enjoy the Now, myself and the people in my life.  Sounds deep and it is. As Tolle says “when you honor, acknowledge and fully accept your present reality-where you are, who you are, what you are doing right now-when you fully accept what you got, you are grateful for what you have got, grateful for what is, grateful for Being. Gratitude for the present moment and the fullness of life now is true prosperity.”

Yesterday is Gone. Tomorrow may never come. Today is the present, that is why we call it a gift!!! Enjoy the Now

Buy a poppy today! Salute our veterans! Give the Power of Now a read to enlighten your life today. Then come December you can start enjoying the Christmas season and what it has to offer you.


Mike Sr.