Season 22 of The Bachelor was a shit show of epic proportions. A clusterf-ck that knew no bounds. A slow motion trainwreck from which it was impossible to look away. Fronted by a boring washed-up lead who no one wanted (side note: nothing but respect for MY Bachelor, Peter Kraus), what began as a series of snooze-inducing episodes peppered with scintillating conversation starters like”I love that” and “wow” culminated in what really was the most dramatic finale ever, but not in a good way. As we all surely know by now, Arie pulled a switcheroo and unceremoniously dumped his new fiancé Becca K. ON CAMERA for a chance at reconciling with his previous second choice, Lauren B.

Well, finally, FINALLY, after the show tortured viewers with weeks of monotonous, mind-numbing relationships and then subjecting fans to the most ethically questionable breakup it’s ever aired, we have a bit of good news—Becca, the woman Arie blindsided and broke up with in order to reconnect with runner-up Lauren B. by way of sliding into her Instagram DMs (classic f-ckboy), will be the next Bachelorette! Y’all, fans are stoked:

But perhaps no one is more excited for Becca to put that-guy-who-just-proposed-to-his-second-choice-in-front-of-her-on-national-television (can he do anything without cameras there?) in her rear view and dive into a pool of hot men than the friends she made while on the show. Bekah M., Seinne, Kendall, Tia and Caroline—the friend who cryptically called Arie out saying she “knew what he did” at the Women Tell All—were all in the front row for part two of After The Final Rose and literally, we’d like a girl squad as sweet and supportive as them please.

(Photo: Getty Images)

The ladies could legit not contain their joy when Becca was announced as the season 14 lead of The Bachelorette. Did you see Bekah M. jumping up and down at the announcement? Bless her.

Here are a few of their majorly loving social posts shouting out their girl:

don’t worry, becca. girl squad’s got yo back tonight.

A post shared by BEKAH MARTINEZ (@whats_ur_sign) on

Also, quick shoutout to Tia who captured all of our feelings during Arie and Becca’s hideous breakup when dude just would not leave with this perfect retweet:

And the ever-polished Seinne letting ‘er rip on the guy that broke her girl’s heart:

Finally, this little gem c/o Bekah M, our new fave person:

See? We told ya the best relationships to come out of The Bachelor are the best friendships among the ladies!

Filed under: arie-luyendyk-jr, the-bachelor, the-bachelor-season-22