Meet 17-year-old Isaiah Joy, winner of the KiSS 91.7 2018 Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund Contest! He is receiving $1000 towards his education!


He was nominated by Dee Elder, principal of Old Scona Academic High School, who wrote:

Isaiah is an incredible young man. Despite being in his final year of high school at the top academic school in the province of Alberta he finds the time to volunteer in the community: Misericordia Hospital, Big Brothers Big Sisters and in our school. He is President of our UNICEF club and a member of the High School Rotary. His leadership skills have grown over his three years. He is highly organized, proactive and inclusive. Isaiah’s warm personality, amazing smile and collaborative nature allows him to relate and inspire people of all ages and backgrounds.


Congrats, Isaiah! And thank you to everyone who nominated a young learner!



Filed under: Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund