Ladies & gents, prepare yourselves for ‘Facebook Dating‘ — an online dating service run by Facebook.

This week, Facebook users in Colombia (soon to be more countries) can currently opt into ‘Facebook Dating‘ and make profiles that will eventually ‘match’ others. The app features large, over-sized profile photos, the user’s first name, age, location, and how many mutual Facebook friends the viewer has with them.

Facebook says that unlike Tinder, the app is not meant for people seeking casual hookups. You’re required to acknowledge some aspect of a person’s profile (either a photo or an answer to one of their questions) in order to send them a message. Also, you can only send texts or emojis. No photos, links, or other media!


This definitely seems like an interesting way for people to operate in the online-dating world. Let’s hope it leads to many long-lasting and happy relationships!

Filed under: apps, Facebook, online dating, Relationships, Tinder