Spring is here! What better time to start fresh. Jason, from Roe Roofing, has five tips to help get your outdoor space cleaned up and ready to embrace the new season!

#1. Walk Through


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A good place to start cleaning up your yard is by walking around and removing any debris like rocks, toys, sticks, or other items that don’t belong there. You might be surprised by how much you find!

#2. Trim Flowers, Shrubs, and Trees


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Cleaning up any leaves or dead growth from last year will allow your plants to thrive. Using gardening trimmers, snip back any dead or unmanaged parts of your flowers, shrubs, or trees.

#3. Clean Gutters and Rain Spouts


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Cleaning out your gutters allows rainwater to move freely, limiting build-up, and extending the life of your roof. Adjust your rain spouts to make sure the water is running away from your home.

#4. Activate Your Lawn

Raking your lawn removes last year’s growth and allows for the new grass to grow freely. Activating the soil helps grow a heartier, even lawn. Aerating your lawn breaks up the soil and keeps it from becoming compact, resulting in a healthier lawn.

#5. Water Everything


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After removing all the dead and unwanted items from your yard, give it a good drink! Regular watering promotes the plants’ roots to grow deeper into the ground, resulting in heartier plants. Just be mindful of the weather so you don’t end up with a frozen garden.

Use your imagination and you can make any activity fun – even chores! KiSS 91.7 wants to thank Jason, from Roe Roofing, for sharing these quick, easy, and impactful activities with us. Roe Roofing is a local, family-owned, roofing, and exterior company which means they understand the value of family and spending quality time together. If you’re looking to get work done around the house this summer, make sure to give them a call at (780) 242-7877 or visit their website for more details!

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