Shawn Mendes got personal with his fans on Twitter on April 19, and opened up about how he’s currently feeling.


“Sometimes I ask myself what it is that I should be doing with my life and what I always hear in return is, ‘to tell the truth, to be the truth.’  I feel like that’s a hard thing to do though.  I’m afraid that if people know and see the truth they might think less of me.  They might become bored of me.

So in those moments of feeling low, I either put on a show or hide.  The truth, in current form is a 23 year old who constantly feels like he’s either flying or drowning.  Maybe that’s just me.  The truth is I really do wanna show up in a world as my 100% true honest unique self and not care what anyone things, sometimes I do!!

Sometime I really don’t care what people think and I feel free.  Most of the time it’s a struggle though.  That’s the truth.  The truth is even with so much success I still find it hard to feel like I’m not failing.  Hyper focused on what I don’t have, forgetting to see all that I do.

The truth is I’m overwhelmed and overstimulated.  The truth is ALSO that I’m okay.  I’m just tryna tell and be the truth.  I like to think that maybe me saying this might resonate with some people.”



His followers seemed to appreciate his personal letter.  One fan wrote, “I needed this,” another left, “Intended audience reached,” and one Twitter user commented, “This feels like a hug from him,” and Shawn replied, “I’m really glad, this is definitely a hug from me.”

Filed under: Shawn Mendes