There are many ways you can celebrate Earth Day….here are a few simple ways you can make a difference right now.  Sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest difference.  

  • Use reusable shopping bags   
  • Save Electricity (turn off lights when you leave a room) 
  • Pick up trash  
  • Go car-free when you can (walk, run or ride a bike) 
  • Try composting  
  • Reusing or re-purposing something you were going to throw away  
  • Use recycling bins 
  • Make positive promises 
  • Cultivate a green thumb (plant perennial flowers that will continue to grow year after year) 
  • Switch to online billing (reducing paper usage) 
  • Organize a community clean up  
  • Use reusable utensils, dishes and trays  
  • Go pesticide-free 
  • Shop local (support organic ingredients)  
  • Use a reusable water bottle  
  • Use environmentally friendly cleaning products  
  • Skip plastic, buy glass or paper products that can be recycled  
  • Gather and recycle batteries 
  • Try and purchase items that have been made from recyclable materials  
  • Take shorter showers  
  • Unplug appliances not being used  
  • Replace regular lightbulbs with compact fluorescent lights  
Filed under: Day, Earth, earth day