Who doesn’t love a good ol’ emoji?! Adobe released the results of a study they did on emojis, and it includes lists of the emojis that make people MORE and LESS likeable.





The three emojis that make you the MOST likeable are:

  • The face blowing a kiss
  • The smiling face with hearts
  • The smiling face with heart eyes


The three emojis that make you the LEAST likeable are:

  • The pile of poo
  • The yellow angry face
  • The eggplant


According to Adobe’s research, “More than half of adults 40 and younger say they’d be more likely to go on a second or third date with someone if they use emojis and among Gen Z, 38% say they would not pursue ‘a serious or long-term relationship’ with someone who did not use emojis.”




Here are some other stats from Adobe’s report:


  • 32% of young adults say someone they were dating used an emoji to break with them.
  • 73% of emoji users think people who use emojis are friendlier, funnier, and cooler than those who don’t.
  • Half of emoji users are more likely to respond if a message contains an emoji.
  • 61% pf emoji users are more comfortable expressing their emotions through emojis than through plain text.
Filed under: Emojis