3 ingredient weed + grass killer you can make from home!
by kylee.winn on June 18, 2024, 02:06am. MST
Tackle weeds and unwanted grass in those awkward places between stones, driveway cracks etc… with this homemade weed & grass killer!
How to make 3 ingredient weed + grass killer:
- 5L jug of vinegar
- 2 cups of salt
- 4 tablespoons of dish soap
Mix all ingredients in a pail/bucket, add mixture to a spray bottle and say “GOODBYE WEEDS!” Spray directly on weeds or unwanted grass, let sit in the sun for a day. You can then easily pull up the dead weeds. You can repeat spraying for those larger weeds / grass patches.
DO NOT apply directly to weeds on your lawn, this is a KILL ALL mixture and will damage your lawn.