So … Josh Duggar confessed to cheating on his wife. Which makes us wonder how she’s doing with all of this information. According to sources close to the 19 Kids and Counting family, Anna Duggar plans to stay with Josh through this horrific ordeal and beyond.

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According to a source close with the Duggar family, “Anna will not leave him.”The insider told People magazine, “As with her in-laws, she is turning more to her faith than ever. She and Josh are probably praying around the clock right now, I would assume.”

In case you missed it, Anna’s husband (and father of her four children) confessed to molesting five underage girls (four of whom were his sisters) last May, when he was a young teen in the early 2000s. Then website Ashley Madison (where people go to find affairs online) got hacked, and lo and behold, Josh’s information turned up.

Josh admitted to using Ashley Madison this week. He said that he viewed pornography, had cheated on his wife, and that he was “the biggest hypocrite ever.”

He did work for the Family Research Council in Washington, DC, advocating for traditional families values.

Despite all of this, Anna is reportedly standing by her man. The source said, “no way is she leaving him,” and even sadder than that, mentioned that Anna would probably try to “absorb some of the blame.”

They said, “Maybe not publicly, ever, but privately, there will be some suggestion of whether or not she should have been more aware of the pressures Josh was under, of the issues he was facing, and how she could have better counseled him or helped him.”

The insider continued, “She is fully and permanently committed to her marriage and her children. And she’ll have the support of Jim Bob and Michelle and everyone else in their circle in terms of staying with him and making this work …Divorce is not even something that will be discussed.”

Dude. Anna. 

Does anyone else want to wrap her arms around this lady and tell her that it’s OK to leave a no-good, cheating husband? I know she probably feels like divorce isn’t an option, but it totally is! And since Josh confessed to cheating on her, she has no Biblical obligation to stay with him.

I for one would love to see Anna get her own show about making it on her own after leaving Josh’s sorry rear end. She is an awesome mom, and more than capable of making it on her own, whether or not Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar support her.

And for the sake of the family, I hope more than anything that Josh’s parents sanction the divorce, and continue to support Anna while continuing to love and pray for Josh.

You can do it, Anna! You deserve better.

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