What was the most expensive gift you have ever purchased for your mother? Probably the occasional flowers, gift cards or maybe even jewelry, right?

Well, Cardi B decided to gift her mom with her very own DREAM HOME!

That’s right, Card officially wins ‘Daughter of the Year.’



In a recent Instagram post, in truly Cardi fashion she writes, “Stay down till you come up.  It’s always been a dream to buy my mother a house. Last year I was so thirsty to buy my mom a house but the ones I was interested for her weren’t at my price range. I worked and worked and now I’m here !! Thank you everybody who supported me to make my childhood dreams come true! Buy my momma a house !!” It sounds as though Cardi is lumped with a fat mortgage.  Don’t ask me for shit motherf—ers I got big girls bills.”



It took Cardi a year to find the perfect home for her mom.  She spent over $600,000, it’s two-story and it includes a basement and built-in gym.  In the Instagram video while Cardi is giving fans a mini tour, she says last year she was only able to homes that were in the price range of $600,000 and even then, nothing stood out.



In Cardi’s song called ‘Everything,’ she predicted this very moment, buying a house for her mom.  Check out the lyrics below.

“You know when I was a little girl I used to tell my mom, ‘hey mom, when I grow up, I’m gonna buy you a house, I’m gonna buy you a car.’  Until I turned eighteen, it’s like damn, I can’t even get me my own apartment.  So, it’s just like, now that I’m in this position I’m gonna take full advantage of it, like oh my gosh, I can’t wait till I get to surprise my mom.  Like, ‘Hey, I didn’t went to college, but look, look at me mom, look at me now, look, look mom, look, look at your house, This is your house! Not mines, but yours, and I bough it for you!'”

Aww – in the words of Cardi, so bute!


Filed under: cardi-b