Great Debate:  New way to wine and dine! Dining in the nude! Would you make a reservation? 


Natural Eating! No chemicals, everything fresh, and no clothes! 
A new pop up restaurant will open its doors in June in London called Bunyadi – it’s clothing optional! 
“We believe people should get the chance to enjoy and experience a night out without any impurities: no chemicals, no artificial colors, no electricity, no gas, no phone and even no clothes if they wish to. The idea is to experience true liberation,”  Seb Lyall, the founder of Lollipop, the company heading the project.
There is already a waiting list of over 12,000 people however the menu is still being put together! It will be extremely healthy! 
Can I get an order of kale chips with a side of that sexy booty??? 
Mike is all for it! 
Helena say ….. Hell no! What if she is feeling bloated!!!! 
Would you make a reso?
Filed under: Food, mike and helena, naked, naked eating