Sam Smith has an important message he wants to share with his fans – and it deals with body image!


Sam recently shared a shirtless photo and wrote an inspiring caption on Instagram, “In the past if I have ever done a photo shoot with so much as a t-shirt on, I have starved myself for weeks in advance and then picked and prodded at every picture and then normally taken the picture down. Yesterday I decided to fight the f**k back. Reclaim my body and stop trying to change this chest and these hips and these curves that my mum and dad made and love so unconditionally. Some may take this as narcissistic and showing off but if you knew how much courage it took to do this and the body trauma I have experienced as a kid you wouldn’t think those things. Thank you for helping me celebrate my body AS IT IS @ryanpfluger I have never felt safer than I did with you. I’ll always be at war with this bloody mirror but this shoot and this day was a step in the right f*****g direction.”


Ryan Pfluger replied, “Sam Smith, thank you for trusting me to facilitate photographs that empower your ownership of your body and mind.  I honestly wish everyone relinquished themselves to the experience like you did.”


It was just last year Sam spoke openly about his ongoing struggles with body image with V Magazine, “My body image is always going to be an issue.  I need to constantly train myself to watch the right sort of films, to not look at certain ads and think that’s how my stomach should look.  It’s something that I’m fighting every day.  I think men should talk about it more.”


Sam continues, “When I was shooting my first music videos, I just wasn’t happy with the way I looked, so I was trying to control the way the camera moved. I got a bit obsessive. I was constantly looking in the mirror, pinching my waist, weighing myself every day. Now, I’ve gotten to a place where I really love my stretch marks and I just enjoy my body.”


And we love you too, Sam!


Filed under: Sam Smith