Edmonton Born


He also had a voice cameo in the first Guardians Of The Galaxy…




The actor is of course Nathan Fillion. Famous for his starring roles in Firefly, Castle, and Slither. The latter being directed by James Gunn who also helms the Guardians Franchise. It only makes sense this Edmontonian would be invited to collaborate with the director again. We see it all the time in Hollywood.
Also Nathan has a rep for being a super cool, really good, awesome, nice guy!




But this time around he has been cast in a more characterized role. In Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 it has been reported he will play Wonder Man.




Also known as fictional actor  Simon Williams, which is how fans spotted this easter egg on set!



This could just be a blink and you’ll miss it cameo, with maybe no lines at all…?
That has yet to be seen, but how awesome would it be to see the Edmontonian suited up in full super hero wardrobe fighting alongside Iron Man when the Avengers Infinity War comes to theaters?

I could dig it!

Oh and fun fact, Mr.Fillion & I were both trained by the same improv school here in Edmonton…
@IsTylerJordan on twitter.



Filed under: Avengers, Edmonton, Edmontonian, Fillion, Guardians of The Galaxy, Gunn, James Gunn, Nathan Fillion, Vol 2, Wonder Man, Yeg