The Great Debate – Is it ever a good idea to lend your friend money?


I have a dear friend who over the years I have lent over $5000.00. Always hits me up once a year for $500.00 for some emergency reason and always says he will pay back however he never does!

Yesterday was the annual ask and the reason was that he needed to pay his phone bill that got away from him and it was an emergency!


He works, has a full time job, and always seems to have money to party and play!

This will bring his 10 year tab up to $5,500.00 ….. Without a single penny paid back!

This is a horrible situation to be in because you want to help out a friend in a pinch – he is such a good friend – has help me out in so many ways –  but he is just  horrible with his personal finances!

What do you think? Does it bother you when someone doesn’t pay you back?


Mike and Helena