It’s a small change, but we are happy to inform you that the wildfires in Fort McMurray are expanding at a slower rate now.

*Watch the video here.*

It’s still too soon to say when the fire will be done, and when people can be moved back, but Alberta Emergency Management has said there are moving into phase 2.

 “Now that we’re going into phase two, which is stabilization of the situation — we’re going to start getting some folks on the ground that can start having a look at those damage assessments and getting a better feel for it.” – Scott Long of Alberta Emergency Management


Another small sign of hope was captured in Wood Buffalo:



Remember that even though we’ve been getting a few light scattered showers, there is STILL a fire ban in effect.

Let’s all be responsible and refrain from having outdoor fires and flicking cigarette buts outside! #AlbertaStrong #AlbertaSMART






Filed under: Alberta, Notley, Yeg, yym