
For a limited time only! Pack your bags, it’s time to go on an adventure!

To pay homage to the first book and film of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London is opening up the Dursley living room for the first time ever.

Between May 27 – June 6, fans can walk through the front door of Number 4 Privet Drive and stand in the room where hundreds of Harry’s Hogwarts letters arrived.




You will be able to visit Number 4 Privet Drive to commemorate the15th anniversary of the release of the first film, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.


MASHABLE has more on the story HERE! <—


For more on the Pivet Drive Tour click HERE!!! <—


@IsTylerJordan <— Click here to follow me on twitter!

quite the cutie

Filed under: Bros, Dursley, Harry, Harry Potter, HP, Pivet Drive, Tour, Warner