
Cannot believe this! Whoever stole her prize is a big ol’ meanie with no friends!!!

  • Margaret Coward won a $100 Gift Card from a Tim’s Roll Up The Rim cup. She was obviously excited about it! Like any of us would be! So she posted a pic of it. In only 30 min, someone found the serial code from her photo and went and claimed the prize online before she could!!!!

  • She then posted this on her FB page:

  • “Morrow of the story, never post your winning Tim’s cup on facebook. …someone used my PIN Code that fast and claimed my prize! !!!!!!!”

  • (We think she meant MORAL, not morrow. Mistakes happen when you’re upset.)

  • Here are the rules and regulations for Roll Up The Rim! RRROLLUPTHERIMTOWIN

  • We suggest brushing up on them just in case. And maybe refrain from posting pics with your winning cup.

  • -Pepper & Dylan