
  • Last week a New York Supreme Court judge ruled that Kesha must remain contractually bound to Sony and Kemosabe. The record label was made and is run by Dr. Luke. He’s the producer Kesha has claimed raped and abused her.

  • After the news was released multiple musicians including Demi Lovato, Lorde, Lady Gaga, Kelly Clarkson and Taylor Swift came out and showed support.

  • Taylor Swift did not make a comment, but did donate $250,000 to Kesha.

  • This donation caused Demi Lovato to say this; “How the f*ck am I making this about myself? At least I’m talking about it. Not everyone has 250k to just give to people. Would love to but I didn’t grow up with money and def haven’t made as much as her. At least I speak up about sh*t that’s uncomfortable to talk about rather than trying to be politically correct 24/7.”

  • But let’s get back to Kesha. She no longer has to work with Dr. Luke, but she still can only produce new music under Sony.

  • The Supreme Court Judge who made the ruling said “You’re asking the court to decimate a contract that was heavily negotiated and typical for the industry.” Kesha supporters from the site Jezebel have taken the statment to mean “legally, in the moral eyes of the court, it’s the contract—the corporation—that comes first.” So pretty much, what costs more, a 60 million dollar contract or a person’s need to feel safe and unharmed.

  • If you want more info here’s some links:
    Jezebel – Kesha

  • -P&D