A new study shows that 38-year old Duke of Cambridge is the ‘World’s Sexiest Bald Man’ – that’s right, Prince William can add another title to his list!



According to PEOPLE, “Researchers found that the Duke of Cambridge was described as “sexy” 17.6 million times in blogs, reports and pages found through Google search, according to a report from The Sun, which cited a study by cosmetic surgery specialists Longevita.”


Prince William beat out Mike Tyson, Jason Statham, Pitbull and Michael Jordan, who made up the list’s top five men.  Also mentioned in the study, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel, Floyd Mayweather, John Travolta, and Vladimir Putin.  A spokesperson for Longevita says, “There are quite a few bald public figures we can feast our eyes on.”


The Rock tweeted, “How in the cinnamon toast f**k does this happen – when Larry David clearly has a pulse?!?!”




Filed under: duke-of-cambridge, prince william