
This is not okay!!

Body shaming is huge topic in today’s media, and we see it almost everyday happening to different celebs. Buuuuut, when it’s in your city, that’s not a good feeling!




Edmonton shopper Camilla Glowacki was shopping for presents for her daughter’s birthday at an Ardene’s in Northgate Centre, but when she went up to pay, she decided to go back and shop some more.
When she returned to the register, she picked up the suspended transaction receipt and noticed in the comments section the cashier had wrote “fat”.

Glowacki said:

“I stood there and started reading it, and the cashier ripped it out my hand. And she crumpled it up really hard into a tiny little ball, and threw it in the garbage. That transaction paper was clearly not meant for my eyes.”




NOT. OKAY. Eventually the manager came out after she demanded to see the receipt again, and apologized for the cashiers actions. The company also ended up emailing Glowacki apologizing and said that necessary actions have been taken





Filed under: Ardene, Edmonton