Tuesdays with Morrie – an old man, a young man, and life’s greatest lesson by Mitch Albom.  A true story.

This book will be a great relaxing , inspiring summer read and will tug at your heart while you read it on vacation or just relaxing in your back yard.

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It reminds me of a relationship I had with a retired principal friend who I visited on a regular basis and shared thoughts and ideas about life. Just like in the book and the power of having a relationship with someone older and wiser who experienced life and was willing to share his wisdom up to his dying days.  My good friend passed away just after I got back on vacation, but the sad thing was, I was a day late in sharing his departing words and thoughts. He died but without regrets I am sure. I have our memories together still in my heart.


As you will learn from the book, the wisdom of an older purpose should be tapped into in order to have a richer and more fulfilling life.  The lessons that Morrie has for us as it did for Mitch Albom is that the culture of society needs to be challenged and all of us must be able to sort through life what is really important when all is said and done.  Time will run out on us,so we must take the time and build relationships, share thoughts, ideas and love with each other before it is too late.

There is a saying that experience is the best teacher. Well, the real teacher is the experience of others that is the best teacher.   The path that others have followed is filled with life lessons that should be shared and should be listened to by all of us.  This can only lead to new paths that you can follow then share what happened along the way with others.  It could be shared with strangers, friends, children, grandchildren, but they need to be shared as Mitch and Morrie shared with each other.


Such a comforting  and touching true story of a man on his death bed and a successful journalist reconnecting with his old professor only to find out that his lessons of life would be shared around the world after he dies.

Sit back and relax. Take in the lessons of life of a wise and humble professor whose only request is that you live life with others in a loving way because love always wins. Love one another as Morrie had loved.


Mike Chalut Sr,