Talk about being a handy man! More like a rocket man!

Ryan McQueen (from Sherwood Park) built a rocket car and name it ‘Insanity.’

Yep, this car is insane, INSANELY COOL!

  • Two Rolls Royce jet engines under the hood
  • Will run at 14,000 pounds of thrust
  • Burn through 400 litres of jet fuel in two minutes flat
  • G-force inducing 650 kilometres per hour

ryan-mcqueen-rocket-car (1)

McQueen said: ‘ Insanity may be the world’s only twin-jet powered super car ‘

This car took him 12 years to build, that’s insane. Or should we say, Insanity! HA! (Ok we’ll stop)

Check out the full interview here.


Anyone else out there with INSANE projects like this??

The Pepper & Dylan Show


(Pics from Ryan McQueens INSANELY cool FB page :P)



Filed under: cars, Edmonton, GEA, Local, Sherwood Park, Yeg