With all the rain and high water levels in the North Saskatchewan river, water treatment plants are struggling to filter through all the silt and debris in Edmonton.

The water level has crested at 6.7 meters, but could take many days to fully recede.

Due to this, Epcor is asking people only use water for their essential needs. There is simply more dirty water than clean water right now.


“The water is really dirty and because the water is really dirty, the water plants have to work harder to clean it. Because they have to work harder to clean it, they are slow”  

– Epcor spokesman Tim le Riche


Right now there is up to three days worth of drinkable water stored in Edmonton reservoirs. There’s no immediate risk of running out, but we’re still being urged to cut non-essential water use until the river clears and water is cleaned.


“We supply water to a million people in the capital region. If every one of those million people does one little thing, the cumulative gains are significant. We think that’s enough to keep reservoirs at levels where there’s not going to be any problem where we would be short of potable water.” 


If you’d like more details, The Edmonton Sun has a more in depth story: thesun


We’ll all be taking short showers this weekend!! Hope you do too!

-The Pepper & Dylan Show

Filed under: Edmonton, Epcor, The River, Yeg