Now that the Olympics are over and we saw success and failure come and go we might ask ourselves why were some athletes successful and others not.?    

We all have our ideas about success but do we truly understand success?

A National #1bestseller “Outliers “– The story of success by Malcolm Gladwell is the book of the month for September.

Malcolm Gladwelll dispels myths about success and makes it clear we need to look at the whole individual and his culture, surroundings, family and generation.


September brings on the beginning of school and all parents I am sure, are focused on getting their son or daughter ready for a new year.  But what is really in their minds is getting their child ready for success in school.  Are they ready, prepared, motivated, smart enough to succeed?

 In the Outliers the author makes us think more along the lines, is the family ready, is society ready is the community ready?  In other words, success just doesn’t happen because of an individual’s efforts and skills but rather the effects of all the circumstances and more, that affect a person’s success.


After attending Rio Olympics and seeing South America I ask myself what are the chances of success for many of those people?  We have to look at success as being a group effort and look at the circumstances that in fact surround an individual, family and even country.



With the start of school my two boys, my daughter and her daughter are all wired to get going.  Is the time right for their success to happen.  Have I done what it takes to set up my boys for success and do they have what it takes.. How about you and your family? Take charge and get involves in the success process not only for yourself but for those around you.  Success does breed success, but there is still more to it than that.

Get a new handle on success and a better understanding.  Parents, business people, educators would really get a new perspective about success and see the world in a different light after reading this book.


Go ahead. Attack this new school year in your community with dead aim on what it takes to be successful and be an Outlier!
