Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff …… and it is all small stuff 

No matter how chaotic you think your life is, it is all self imposed.



Therefore, you and only you can change it so that your chaos can be controlled and as a result you can attain a sense of calmness and inner peace, in this, what seems at times a crazy and mixed up world.

I can remember when I first picked up this book my life seemed unmanageable.

Too many things to do and thus I started to get angry, and overwhelmed with everything.  Little did I realize that I was the culprit who was bringing this seemingly uncontrollable life into fruition.  I just could not seem to get things done,, but more importantly as I discovered later, I was letting small things get me going and I started too complain about almost everything.  Nothing seemed right and everything was not fair or was not the way I wanted things to be.


Does this sound familiar to you?

This month’s book will definitely help you get your life under control and will allow you to develop a way to not letting small things like your son’s room which is a disaster {as my one son’s room is } get you going, or your daughter’s music, or your friend’s complaining about anything and everything and or your bosses lack of appreciation for all you do for him/her get to you. 


Every time you complain about something it is small in comparison to how it really could be. I often catch myself as I am getting angry about something that really  in the long run does not matter and in a year from now I could care less about it. 


There are 100 simplified tips that you will recognize because these tips will all look familiar as I found the book was talking about me and  it is probably describing you too, but the tips make sense and will help you become calmer and more thankful.

 It is October,  the month of Thanksgiving.  What a perfect book to read that will assist you in being more thankful for all that you have rather than what you don’t have or for the things the way they are rather than the way you think they should be.  Inner peace is brought on by not allowing the small things that happen to   bother you to a point of making things bigger than they really are.

Give it a try.  Stop yelling  or complaining about  your kids, spouse, friend, boss or someone who just cut you off driving and give thanks that you have a child, a spouse, a friend, a boss and someone who is not as good a driver as you.


Don’t sweat the small stuff  because it is all small stuff and work on what it really important and valuable in your life.


Go Edmonton Oilers! Wow! New arena, new downtown, a new face for Edmonton. Something to be proud of and thankful for.  Might not be perfect or even fair . But it is what it is. Embrace it.  By the way hope to see you later this month.  I am coming too town and I am excited!!!!

 Mike Chalut Sr.