Tomorrow is Remembrance Day, and the city of Edmonton has multiple services and location that you can attend.




The City Room at City Hall has a service starting at 10:15, but they recommend getting there and find a seat by 9:45.

Following the service there will be an outdoor procession to the City Hall cenotaph, where wreaths will be laid.


Another service is taking place at The U of A Butterdome, where it is requested for people to be seated by 10 am.


The Loyal Edmonton Regiment Military Museum (located in the Prince of Wales Armouries Heritage Center) will also have a brief remembrance ceremony with a traditional minute of silence at 11am.


*See more details and adresses/locations here*


Edmonton Transit is also making it easier for you to attend these services, by starting earlier and running on a 30 min frequency.

You can ride ETS for free tomorrow  if you:

  • Dress in military uniform or legion dress
  • Show a Canadian Forces Identification Card
  • Show a National Defence Record of Service Card
  • Or show a Veteran’s card


*Please note that municipal cemeteries will not be having any ceremonies so that they may serve as a place of meditation, reflection and quiet. 

You’ll also see the highlevel bridge lit up tomorrow in red and white in honor of fallen soldiers and veterans.


If you know of any other ceremonies (that are free and open to the public) please let us know and we’ll add it to our blog.


-The Pepper & Dylan Show

Filed under: Edmonton, Nov 11, Remembrance Day