It must have been crazy hard for the women who spoke out about Jian Gomeshi.

  • And now it seems they are the ones under fire.

  • In the following article that you REALLY NEED TO READ, you’ll see how the trial is now going in the direction of painting Jian’s sexual actions with the women as “consensual.”

  • This means that his defense lawyers are attempting to say that because the woman had social interaction with Ghomeshi before and after the incident and knew him, it means the incidents could be seen as consensual to a point.

  • There’s far too much scrutiny of the victim in sexual assault cases,” Toronto lawyer Susan Chapman says.

  • We really want to know your feelings about this!

  • Here is Maclean’s article, it deals with some tough topics so get ready to feel many mixed emotions. >> What’s really on trial in the Ghomeshi case <<<

  • Thanks for your time!

  • – The Pepper & Dylan Show