Netflix has started rolling out their “download videos” feature for smartphones and tablets for offline viewing.

Eddy Wu ( Netflix director of product innovation) said in a statement: “While many members enjoy watching Netflix at home, we’ve often heard they also want to continue their Stranger Things binge while on airplanes and other places where internet is expensive or limited.”

Starting TODAY the feature is available on Android and iOS devices. The update includes TV series, movies, and Netflix’s original content like Orange is The New Black, Narcos and the new series The Crown. Netflix has also said that more shows will be added and made available SOON!

The new feature will look something like this:



Will you be making use of the downloading feature??

Leave a comment and let us know!

-The Pepper & Dylan Show



*Images from Netflix, The Verge and Mic*

Filed under: Downloading, Netflix, Offline, portable