Edmonton Train Conductor Brad Slater has made our city very PROUD!

Get the tissues out for this one!



The Edmonton train conductor who rescued a freezing tabby cat from beneath his train is being honored by PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals)

The kitty survived the freezing cold journey from Saskatchewan all the way to Alberta!

“I got to the second engine and I heard the saddest cat cry. And I’m looking around and I’m like, ‘What?’ I’m shining my light and I see these eyes… There’s a cat,” Slater said.


Slater ended up bringing the cat home bathing, feeding and bringing the brave tabby to the vet.

“Brad Slater did everything that he could to save this animal’s life,” “PETA hopes his compassion will remind others that every life is precious and inspire them to act to help any animal in need.” Lisa Lange; President of PETA

A few days later the cats owner arrived in Edmonton and was reunited with her pet.


Christmas Miracle!!


Mike and Helena