The Yellowhead will be getting a MAJOR makeover in 2021.

City council has the go ahead to borrow more than $500 million to upgrade Yellowhead Trail into a freeway.


“We’re going to fix the Yellowhead.” – Mayor Don Iveson


The goal is to take away all the intersections along the roadway, creating a free flowing freeway.

The Yellowhead will also be widened to six lanes from 50th Street east to the North Saskatchewan River crossing.

Widening will also happen at Fort Road, six lanes from the Yellowhead to 66th Street.


Once construction begins in 2021, it’s estimated to take around six years to complete.


Is this a city change you’re looking forward too? Leave a comment! If you’d like more info, you can read a more detailed article here.

-The Pepper & Dylan Show


(Image component from Edmonton Journal

Filed under: Edmonton, Freeway, Yeg, Yellowhead