Have you ever driven by a neighbor’s garage while the door is open and see it stuffed with just about everything except the car?

(Or did I describe your garage?)

Or have you opened a closet at home and stuff fell out. You couldn’t find what you were looking for because of the pile of stuff in there.  Or do you have a room in the house that has everything in it except the one thing you need. You would describe the room as a room just filled with stuff.


Get my point?

Get un-stuffed!!!!!!! The book I recommend this month is Unstuffed by best selling author Ruth Soukup.

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Just over the past 2 months I have been on a rampage and have removed from my house –STUFF.  It has helped me breathe easier, feel cleaner and my mind is opened and my soul fulfilled.

Lets  move forward with becoming a better person and live a better life by removing stuff from our house.  Believe it or not, I have been spending less because why buy more stuff. Therefore, I am saving more.  I have to clean less because stuff to clean is gone and I don’t have to worry about more storage for stuff because I have learned to live with less. I have relieved myself of unwanted stress by removing all the stuff that  surrounded me.


You know what I am talking about don’t you?

Every time I visit my son, I help him organize his stuff or get rid of it because it just clutters his living space and his mind. He wishes I stay longer whenever I visit him  just to o help him stay un-stuffed.

hoarders clean

Now, it is your turn to get un-stuffed.  Pick up the book “Un-stuffed” and get all the tips to help you organize your life in a simple manner, Feel good about your living space. Feel good about your wallet. More importantly feel good about knowing what you really need in life as opposed to all the things you want that lead to false happiness.  Un-stuff your relationships. Be a better person and concentrate more on yourself and others rather than the stuff in your life.

Get a jump on spring cleaning. Box the stuff!  Get rid of it by throwing it away or give it to charity.  You will feel so much better. Cleanse your home, mind and soul.

And -oh yeah!  Stop buying more stuff  that you really don’t need and start living outside the mall and instead, live inside your better self.


In addition, being over scheduled in the day or week with kids activities also is a sign of being stuffed up.  You have no time for important things like YOURSELF.

Whew! The feeling of un-stuffiness is awesome.  Catch the feeling. Read the book and feel like I do. Relieved, stress free and more fulfilled with a clearer vision as to what I need to concentrate on in life – for sure, it is not meaningless stuff.


Senior Says…… Mike Chalut Senior