Warning: The video you are about to see is chilling, disturbing and scary.

A flight from Chicago to Louisville was overbooked and United Airlines asked for volunteers to give up their seats to make room for four employees who needed to get to Louisville.

At the gate, prior to boarding the flight, passengers were offered $400 and a hotel stay. No one volunteered. After that, the airline offered passengers already on the plane, $800 and a hotel stay to get on a flight the next morning instead. Still, they were left with no volunteers and passengers were randomly selected to get off the plane.

One man, a doctor, said he couldn’t take the next flight because he had patients he needed to see the next morning.

That’s when police officers were called to physically remove him from the plane and cameras started rolling:

The man was filmed screaming, then being knocked out by the cops while be dragged off the flight.

You can hear passengers nearby yelling at the officers to stop. At this time, there is no update on the man who was dragged off the plane.