The nice weather is AWESOME!

Don’t get us wrong, we love the sudden warmth and sunshine. Sadly, when you go from a massive snowfall to warm weather…it’s the perfect combo for those little pests we call Mosquitoes.

Apparently in the next few DAYS the little buggers could start multiplying like crazy!

“If it’s warm weather, it can take five days to go from egg all the way to the point where they pupate into adults so it can happen really quickly. It’s all weather-related so if there’s warm weather and lots of moisture then there is a good chance that we’ll have high mosquito populations.” -Tadek Sampson, the buzz boss at Buzz Boss (a mosquito-fighting company based in Calgary).


But since we’re letting you know ahead of time, there’s time for you to be prepared!

If there’s any standing water around your house or yard…get rid of it!! Otherwise the bugs will make it their breeding ground and THEN you’ll really have a problem.

And get this, mosquitoes are kinda like vampires! The buzz boss said they hate garlic, so use a garlic spray in your dense underbrush.


If you know any other handy & cheap ways to protect you and your yard from bloodsuckers, let us know!

-The Pepper & Dylan Show


Filed under: Edmonton, mosquito, Yeg