McDonald’s Canada has bad news for those looking to get their Egg McMuffin fix past 11 a.m.

Spokesperson Lisa Hutniak said the company has no plans to offer an all-day breakfast despite the brand’s announcement that its American restaurants will introduce the option Oct. 6


Hutniak said the company is keeping a close eye on the nationwide experiment by the Americans and are always looking to meet the needs and wants of their customers.

Twitter users were quick to decry the disparity.

“Y’all are monsters,” tweeted @MsLolaOh.

A user from Scarborough, @60mg_Maija, summarized their reaction in two words: “Thug tears.”

Some even made it an election issue, calling on the leaders of all three parties to address the disparity.

William Norman shared the story on Twitter, adding a simple message: “Harper gotta speak on this.”

One Liberal supporter tweeted that NDP leader Tom Mulcair would promise to force McDonald’s to introduce breakfast at all hours in a order to get elected.

And Deanne Kondrat tweeted to Liberal leader Justin Trudeau directly, asking him to bring the all-day breakfast to Canada.

“Be the PM this country deserves,” she wrote.

McDonald’s ran a pilot all-day breakfast program in select American markets earlier this year.

New chief executive officer Steve Easterbrook is looking to make his mark at the American fast-food giant, where sales have faltered as consumers seek out quick service food beyond the burger.

The Oak Brook, Ill.-based company has been looking for a boost as sales at established U.S. stores have fallen for seven straight quarters and the company hasn’t replaced its Dollar Menu with anything equally compelling.

McDonald’s is also working to improve its appeal by toasting buns longer and searing burgers to improve taste, and it’s looking for a way to shake up its image.

Taco Bell, a unit of Yum Brands, launched a breakfast menu in 2014 and has said the “biscuit taco”‘ and other items have lifted its sales. Earlier this year Taco Bell ran an advertising campaign that depicts McDonald’s and its Egg McMuffins as boring.

The company has lost some ground to restaurants like Chipotle, which tout better food and ingredients, and to newer burger chains like Five Guys Burgers and Fries.

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