Quin Grace and her partner Leah Caldwell are co-founders of Intuitive Owl.

  • Quin is in studio with The Mike Chalut Show this morning, and has some very important things to say in light of the recent scam that happened to an Edmonton family.

  • The Family was scammed out of $85,000, being told they were cursed by black magic, and the only way to be cured was by dishing out the dough to a Psychic.

  • This scam has given the local Edmonton Mediums and Readers a bad name.

  • That’s why we brought Quin in today. Quin is an Intuitive Reader, and she wants everyone to know that most readers ARE NOT scammers. Quin has informed us that she rarely charges for a reading, and that if someone charges anything MORE than $100, they are most likey frauds.

  • It’s Quin’s belief that someone who has Intuition should be using thier ability to HELP others, not make money off them.

  • So there you go, whether you believe or not, just know that most mediums are NOT scammers, and are just trying to help.

  • -The Mike Chalut Show